Friday, November 18, 2011

Dipping my Toe into the Sea of Horror: Friday Finds

What great books did you hear about/discover this past week? Share with us your FRIDAY FINDS!

Another great prompt from Should be Reading.

This week I was honored to have Carrie Green guest posting here and on my Depression Cookies blog. She wrote a piece thanking Stephen King for influencing her writing.

Am I allowed to admit that I've never read a Stephen King novel? Please forgive me, I am a light-weight when it comes to scary stuff. My mom told me some intensely scary bedtime stories and brought me along to too many horror movies, so I blame her. I did love the movies Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile, adaptations of Stephen King's works, so there's hope for me yet.

But Carrie, and several commenters from that day's guest post, has convinced me to edge my way into horror. I'm starting by reading her two short story collections and novella. For others considering dipping their toe in the sea of horror, I decided to feature her works here today since I only discovered them this week.

Roses are Red, a collection of short stories
From Amazon:
A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP--Drunk, Allan ended an all-nighter of partying with a hit and run that escalates into First Degree murder.

A LUCKY HUMAN--Traveling the Universe aboard a space cruise ship may be the hottest trend, but a young man may be exchanging his life for this privilege.

CASH ONLY--This bounty hunter only cares about the paycheck.

Violets are Blue, a novella
From Amazon: Newly-wed Sarah was delighted to move in with her mother-in-law, Martha, a widower who had raised her son, by herself, on an isolated Midwest farm.

A kid from a broken home who had been raised in a group house in Chicago, Sarah had struggled to put herself through college on scholarships. She considered herself to be self-reliant and willing to work hard for her dreams. She wanted only one thing, a real family. Todd was the love of her life, so that she was sure that she'd love Martha, too.

It never occurred to Sarah that Martha would see her as competition, to be eliminated.

Sugar is Sweet, a collection of short stories
From Amazon: PLAYING FOR KEEPS--Sometimes a mother/daughter bond can be so close that it kills.

LOVED--Being loved is sometimes a fairy tale, sometimes, a nightmare. It all depends on who falls in love with you.

CHRISTMAS IN STRIPES--An ex-con spends his first holiday back home with his family and realizes that you can never go home again.

Please pass along any other suggestions for horror-light.