Monday, December 5, 2011

Shh, Don't Tell My Husband: Musing Mondays

Another Musing Mondays prompt by Should be Reading:

How many books do you read in a week? Month? Year?

I wish I could read more than I do! I go through spurts. Some weeks I'll knock down a couple of books, and some weeks I don't crack the bind (or Kindle cover) on anything. In a perfect world, I would read several hours a day.

Like everything else in my life, I do better when I set goals and challenges. I read and review two books a month for Rebeccas Reads and read a book for my monthly book club. So, at minimum, I read three books a month. I usually manage to squeeze in a few more. My goal for 2012: read at least one book a week in addition to my book club selection and review obligations.

Check back tomorrow to find out about the 2012 To Be Read (TBR) Pile Challenge I just joined. Finally I will get to some of the books stacked up in my linen closet. Shh, don't tell about my secret hiding place... I'm hiding these books from my husband who is always getting on me about buying so many. Some women buy shoes, I buy books!

I am determined to read more small press and independently published books as well. I want to support the writing community on a more personal level because it's been so wonderful to me.

Wish me luck with my 2012 reading goals!

I'd love to hear from you... how many books do you read in a typical month?